A Patient Story

Absolutely amazed and grateful for the progress both knees have made. I’m now biking everyday, 20, 30, or 40 plus miles. I do intervals, distance, or hills, and keep rotating training. My left knee is marvelous, right knee great too, just still a bit behind. I am all in to try to ride RAGBRAI, ( Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa). It’s 500 miles in a week and about 3 to 4,000 feet of climb each day.
Life has opened up once again. Energy, excitement for each day, I no longer spend time managing pain. As Doc Gaines says… ” Always be ready for the next move.” And I’m on the look out for the next move all the time, as I don’t want anyone to have the fun without me.
Thank you once again, you have literally given my life back.
Pedal on,