A Patient Story

After my professional track career as a steeplechaser, I decided to move to the marathon and train for the Olympic Trials. However, while training I started to experience groin tightness when I would run. After a very discouraging year of trying every kind of physical therapy and treatment under the sun, I finally got an MRI and learned that a labral tear in my hip was the cause of my groin pain. My physical therapist recommended I see Dr. Ellis, as he is one of the best hip surgeons in the country. I quickly made my appointment and visited him and Dave Kohlrieser. They assured me that I would get back to my passion and run pain-free again.
My experience with their team was incredible, and after a successful surgery, I have already raced two half marathons one year post-surgery. I am incredibly grateful to Orthopedic One for delivering exceptional care for me before, during, and after the surgery. Thank you for allowing me to get back to doing what I love!
- Katy Presley