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A Patient Story

In June of 2023, I made an appointment with Dr. Fitz, Orthopedic One, because I was experiencing extreme pain in my right hip which was also radiating down my leg. After several steroid shots, XRays, and MRI’s there was no improvement in the pain. Going forward the pain became so intense. (I had a pinched nerve) I could not eat, sleep or function. My life became consumed with the unrelenting pain. I appealed to Dr. Fitz to do something, anything.

Thankfully, he suggested we try the PRP shots to help with my situation.

I had two PRP treatments a few months apart and after three weeks, I noticed my severe, intolerable pain was totally gone. Much to my relief that was an indication that major back surgery was no longer a consideration. That meant no risky back surgery and long hospital stay, no rehab and no home health care.

I am certain the 12 PRP shots I received on 12/14/2023 were the turning point for me. I am now pain free.

I am grateful to Dr. Fitz and would argue that the PRP shots are established in my mind as the treatment options of the future. If the shots can reduce the need for surgery and the risks involved, it would stand to reason they would be the treatment of choice for the back issues so many of us endure. Thank you.

- Joann Yonut