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Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery of the Knee
This procedure replaces degenerated cartilage in the knee joint with implants to restore function and eliminate pain. The surgeon plans and performs the surgery with the aid of robotic instruments and a computer guidance system.
Computer-assisted Hip Replacement Surgery
In this minimally invasive surgical procedure, the surgeon replaces the hip joint with the aid of a computer guidance system. The system aids the surgeon in preparing and aligning the joint with the highest degree of accuracy.
Core Decompression
This procedure treats avascular necrosis by removing degenerated and dead bone tissue and creating room for new, healthy tissue to grow. It typically works best for people who are in the earliest stages of the disease.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
Treatment options may include rest and ice, and splint. A physician may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections, or physical therapy. In some cases, surgery may be required to relieve pressure on the median nerve.
De Quervain’s Release
This outpatient procedure relieves symptoms of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis by releasing the tendon sheath that wraps around the tendons at the bottom of the thumb. This relieves pressure and friction on the tendons, allowing them to slide freely.
Debridement of the Achilles Tendon
The goal of this procedure is to remove the damaged part of the Achilles tendon. Once the unhealthy part of the tendon has been removed, the remaining tendon is repaired with sutures or stitches to complete the operation.
Disc Replacement Surgery
Lumbar artificial disc replacement surgery (also known as advanced disc replacement) may be recommended to treat chronic, low back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. Disc replacement is advised if a minimum of 6 months of nonsurgical treatments are ineffective and if the pain is limiting ability to function in...
The Discseel® Procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that allows patients to relieve their low back and neck pain without surgery, through the use of FDA approved Biologic Fibrin Sealant.
Elbow Arthritis Surgery
By the time arthritis is observed on an X-ray, significant wear or damage has occurred on the joint surfaces. If the wear or damage is limited, arthroscopy can offer a minimally invasive surgical treatment. It may be an option for patients with earlier stages of arthritis. Arthroscopy has been shown...
Elbow Fracture Surgery
Surgery to treat an olecranon, or elbow, fracture is usually necessary when the fracture is displaced (out of place) or the fracture is open (bone has pierced the skin). The surgeon will typically make an incision over the back of the elbow and then put the pieces of bone back...
Elbow Replacement Surgery
Elbow joint replacement is much less common than knee or hip replacement, but it can be just as successful in relieving joint pain. In 2010, about 3,000 people in the U.S. had elbow replacement surgery, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. To reach the elbow joint, your...
EMG/Nerve Conduction Studies
This outpatient diagnostic test is used to evaluate the health of muscles and the nerves, called motor neurons, which control the muscles. EMG is a valuable diagnostic device for determining the cause of muscle weakness and for identifying neurologic disorders.
Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release
This procedure is performed to relieve pressure on the median nerve, alleviating the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and restoring normal sensation to the hand and fingers. The endoscopic technique, performed on an outpatient basis, can produce less pain and scarring than traditional open surgery and may allow for a...
Epidural Steroid Injections
Types of Epidural Steroid Injections Cervical This injection relieves pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms caused by a pinched nerve (or nerves) in the cervical spine. Conditions such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis can compress nerves, causing inflammation and pain. The medication injected helps decrease the swelling of...
Excision of Morton’s Neuronias
Morton’s neuroma is an enlarged nerve, compressed between the bones and the ligament that holds them together. Excision eases the pain by releasing pressure from the nerve or removing the nerve.
This is a surgical procedure where the fascia is cut to relieve tension and to treat the resulting loss of circulation to an area of tissue or muscle. Fasciotomy is a limb-saving procedure when used to treat acute compartment syndrome. It is also sometimes used to treat chronic compartment stress...
Femur Fracture Fixation
This surgical procedure uses a metal plate and screws to repair a fractured femur. It retains the femoral head, allowing for more natural movement of the hip joint. This surgical procedure stabilizes severe fractures of the femur by placing a metal rod into the center of the femur.
Finger Fracture Treatment
The most common form of treatment is casting or splinting to allow the finger to heal. The finger may also be taped to the adjacent finger to prevent rotation of the finger in the cast. If the fracture ends are misaligned, surgery will likely be required to realign the fracture...
First Metatarsal – Phalangeal Joint (MTP) Arthrodesis
This surgical procedure is performed to relieve pain in the front of the foot and correct deformities in the MTP joint of the big toe caused by injury, arthritis or genetic defect. The procedure fuses the bone at the base of the big toe to the first metatarsal bone of...
Fixation for Patella Fractures
A fractured patella is usually treated by immobilizing the knee in a cast or brace for several weeks to allow the bone to heal. Surgery is commonly required.
Ganglion Cyst Removal Surgery
This outpatient procedure is used to remove a ganglion cyst, a fluid-filled sac that forms as a herniation from a joint capsule, ligament or tendon sheath. Ganglion cysts commonly develop at the wrist.
Gluteus Medius and Minimus Tendon Repairs
A tendon is a part of a muscle that helps to connect the muscle to a bone. For example, in the tendon of the gluteus medius attaches the muscle to its insertion, which is a bony portion of your femur called the greater trochanter. When an injury occurs in this...
Hammer Toe Treatment
This procedure is used to reroute a tendon from beneath a flexible hammertoe to a new path along the top of the toe. Instead of pulling the toe into abend, the tendon becomes a corrective force that helps straighten the toe.
Hand Fracture Treatment
The most common form of treatment is placing the hand in a cast to promote healing. The fingers may also be taped together to prevent rotation of the fracture in the cast. If the fractured ends are misaligned, the physician may perform a closed reduction, in which the bones are...
Hip Arthroscopy
An arthroscopy is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure used for a range of conditions. Unlike an open repair, an arthroscopy requires only a small incision to be made to accommodate the tools necessary to perform the procedure. After a small incision is made, a camera, called the arthroscope, is able to...
Joint Injections
If you’ve got pain in your knee, hip, or shoulder, either from arthritis, injury, inflammatory disease, or normal wear and tear, your doctor may suggest injecting the area with an anti-inflammatory steroid or, in the case of the knee, a gel-like cushioning lubricant that replicates your joint’s natural synovial fluid....
Joint Reconstruction Surgery of the Hand
This procedure replaces a diseased or damaged finger joint with an implant made of silicone rubber or hard metal, ceramic or pyrocarbon. This procedure can be used to replace the middle joint of the finger (called the PIP joint) or the joint at the base of the finger (called the...
Kidner Procedure
This surgical procedure relieves pain in the foot by removing an inflamed or damaged accessory navicular, an extra bone in the foot that is found in some people.