Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction
This procedure is performed to correct chronic ankle instability that has not responded to non-operative treatment, such as physical therapy. Ankle instability occurs when ligaments are stretched or torn.
Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction
What is Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction?
To begin, you are anesthetized. Most patients are put to sleep. An incision is made on the outer side of your ankle. The surgeon examines your ligaments and looks for problems. The ligaments may be torn or stretched. There are many ways to repair these ligaments. Your surgeon chooses the repairs that are right for you.
Stretched ligaments may be shortened. To do this, a ligament is cut from the bone, trimmed and then reattached with anchors. Damaged ligaments are repaired and strengthened with sutures, with other tissues or with synthetic materials.
Post-Surgical Recovery Process
When the surgery is finished, the opening in your skin is closed and bandaged. Your ankle is protected with a splint. You’re watched for a brief time as you wake up. Then, you can go home. You’ll come back later, and your ankle will be put in a castor a boot. Your healthcare provider will give you tips to help your recovery.