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Disc Replacement Surgery


Lumbar artificial disc replacement surgery (also known as advanced disc replacement) may be recommended to treat chronic, low back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. Disc replacement is advised if a minimum of 6 months of nonsurgical treatments are ineffective and if the pain is limiting ability to function in everyday life.

This surgery consists of replacing the painful spinal disc with a device designed to mimic the disc’s natural movement. The goal of artificial disc replacement is to alleviate pain by reducing aggravating micro-motion, stabilizing the spinal segment, and minimizing inflammation.


Total Disc Replacement

What is Disc Replacement Surgery?

To begin, you are put to sleep. The surgeon makes an incision in your abdomen and clears a path to your spine.

The bad disc is carefully cleared away. Your vertebrae are spread apart, and metal plates are attached to them. Then, the center of the artificial disc (called the “bearing”) is put between these plates. The bearing holds your vertebrae in their normal positions. It can relieve pressure on compressed nerves.

End of procedure
When the surgery is done, the incision is closed and bandaged. You’ll be watched closely as you wakeup. Your surgeon will tell you when it’s safe to leave the hospital. Follow your surgeon’s instructions for recovery.

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