PICKLEBALL PRECAUTIONS: Tips to Stay Active and on the Court
The United States is home to more than 4.8 million pickleball players or “picklers,” according to a 2022 report from the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. Described as a combination of tennis, ping pong and badminton, it is America’s fastest growing sport.
We want to provide picklers with everything they need to know on proper warmup and cool down exercises to prevent injuries on the court.

Orthopedic ONE’s Sports Medicine providers recommend performing a dynamic warm-up before activity. This method prepares your body for the demands of exercise by increasing blood circulation to your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core, stimulating the nervous system. This helps to improve balance and coordination, muscular flexibility, and joint mobility to increase athletic performance. For each of the following activities, perform 10-20 reps.
Ankle Pumps Set
Move your feet up and down at the ankle in a comfortable manner and comfortable speed.
High Kicks
Stand tall and kick your right leg up towards your extended left arm. Next kick your left leg towards your right extended arm. Try to keep your knees straight and your posture tall. This can be done in place or as you walk forward.
Hip Openers
Start the movement like you are performing a march. Sweep your knee to the outside in a half circle motion. Repeat with the other leg. Keep your body tall.
Hip Closers
Bring your knee up to the side of your body. Sweep your knee to the inside in a half circle motion. Repeat with the other leg. Keep your body tall.
Hip Swings
Forward and Backward. Stand on one leg. Swing the other leg forward and backwards while keeping your knee straight. Keep your body tall.
Side to Side. Stand on one leg. Swing the other leg in front of you and then out to the side. Keep your body tall.
Side Shuffle
Start with your knees slightly flexed. Side step one direction and then switch directions. Keep your upper body upright.
Perform a side step motion bringing your leg in front of you and then behind you. Switch directions.
Quadricep Set
- Sit or lie on your back with your legs straight.
- Push the back of your knee down into the bed or the
surface you are sitting on. - Simultaneously tighten the front thigh muscle.
- Hold for 5 seconds, then relax muscle.
Static stretches are best performed at the end of your workout, as a cool down, when your muscles are warm. This is supported by recent evidence that static stretching before athletic activities can increase your risk for injury. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat three times on each side.
Gluteal Set
- Tighten and squeeze buttock muscles together.
- Hold for 5 seconds, then relax the buttock muscle.
Calf Stretch
Straight Knee. Place your arms up on a wall and stretch one leg behind you while bending the front knee. Straighten out the back knee while keeping your heel on the ground and your toes pointing straight ahead.
Bent Knee. Place your arms up on a wall and stretch one leg behind you while bending the front knee. Bend your back knee while keeping your heel on the ground and your toes pointing straight ahead.
Quad Stretch
Grab your ankle and bend your knee so your heel comes towards your bottom. Hold onto something for balance. Try to keep your thighs parallel to each other.
Hamstring Stretch
Place the heel of one foot on a curb or low step. While keeping your knee straight, lean forward. Keep your back straight while hinging at the hips.
Hip Flexor Stretch
Get into a kneeling position with one leg out in front of you. Shift your hips and body forward. Keep your body tall and make sure your front knee does not travel over your toes.
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