Dr. Huber Announces His Retirement
A letter from Dr. David Huber

It is with mixed emotions that I officially announce my retirement from active patient care as of December 31, 2019. Aside from fatherhood, being an orthopedic surgeon has been the most rewarding measure of my life. After 39 years of caring for patients it is simply time for me to explore new endeavors. It has been an honor to have cared for you – I will miss my patients most of all.
For my patients, your medical records will remain at Orthopedic One, where you can continue to receive excellent care. If you wish to continue your care with a physician at Orthopedic One, simply contact the office at (614)545-7900 when you need to schedule an appointment. I am certain that my Partners will care for you as I did.
If you want to continue your care with a physician outside of the group, you may download a copy of our medical record release form from the patient portal page on our website at www.orthopedicone.com, or contact a medical records associate at (614) 545-7908.
I wish you good health in your future.
David F. Huber, M.D.