Metatarsal Fracture
This foot condition happens when one or more of the bones in the top of the foot, called a metatarsal, is cracked or broken. Treatment varies depending on which of the five metatarsals are broken. Read on to learn more.
Causes & Triggers
- Falls
- Impact from heavy objects or crushing
- Sports, particularly for the fifth metatarsal
- Twists
Signs & Symptoms
- Difficulty walking
- Pain
- Swelling
Tips & Treatment
- The bone connected to the big toe is called the first metatarsal and fractures to this bone typically require surgery.
- Second, third and fourth metatarsal bones rarely require surgical intervention, and typically will heal after a period of rest thanks to casting or wearing a special, rigid walking boot.
- Fifth metatarsal fractures may or may not require surgery, or the wearing of a short leg cast or weight-bearing walking cast.